Enjoy a world of elegance where cosmopolitan Tel Aviv combines with luxurious services and facilities. At the Carlton Tel Aviv, 268 fully equipped guestrooms and suites provide an experience of luxurious comfort and sophistication.Choose to have your morning coffee or a night cap in your private balcony, enjoying dazzling city views or the tranquil Mediterranean Sea. Each guest room features the latest in modern amenities including a large television and wireless internet access. For the ultimate in comfort and elegance, our Royal Executive rooms are located on the upper floors of the hotel and feature sliding balcony doors, making the outdoors part of the guest room.
{{model.texts.price}}: $$$
{{model.texts.supervision}}: Rabbanut Rashit
התחייבות למחיר הטוב ביותר ע"י Booking.com
{{model.texts.comments}}: Hotel / Lodge